Sunday 27 January 2013

The Holy City

As we travel further away from Delhi, its seems we are seeing an increasingly 'real' picture of India. Pushkar succeeded in continuing that trend. Difficult to believe, perhaps, when you hear that an hour after arriving here we sat down in a restaurant well known among travelers - for its pizza! The pizza was average, the effects were surprising and unwelcome...

Having survived Delhi, Agra and Jaipur with no stomach trouble between us, it was only a matter of time. I hate to report that I was first to fall, waking up to an intense sense of urgency I hadn't felt since a family holiday to Turkey. Fortunately, I seem to have got off lightly and as I write I am once again a member of 'the firm'.

Pushkar has a population of just 16,000. Compared to the 16 million of Delhi, this Hindu holy place provided a welcome break - for the lungs if nothing else. Our only day here began early, up at half past 5 for a climb to a hill-top temple. It was freezing cold, and Rhys and I were feeling the bellies, but it was worth it. The view of the 'holy lake' and wider Pushkar at sunrise was stunning. We spent the remainder of the day wandering the streets, haggling over garments of dubious quality and taking coffee and lunch from pillows on the floor.

A long evening of tea, food and good conversation followed in the company of Rob and a group of Canadians/Americans he had met in the week. Many of them are coming to the end of long trips, making for fascinating stories and what might just prove to be invaluable advice.



  1. Great to see another update so soon, makes me happy :) Hope the imodium came in handy and it soon clears up! Coule it be any worse than you were in Turkey? Take care xxx

  2. When in England, it's often the foreign food that causes the nasties - seems it's the 'foreign' food that does the same elsewhere! x

  3. Definitely can't have been wore than Turkey, I had to ensure that while trying to sleep in the same room! :/ Glad it's still going well, I want to know about your camel experience! X
